More peace in your daily life with mindfulness

When was the last time you really thought about nothing? Do you have to dig deep into your memory? Then you’re probably not alone. In our busy society we have to think about a lot of things at the same time and it is sometimes difficult to focus on the here and now. Mindfulness can help you with this.

Mindfulness may seem a bit floaty, but did you know that it is actually very practical? For example, you are already working on it when you are exercising, listening to music or tasting a dish very attentively. Mindfulness teaches you to stay with the moment even more often, even when your head is full of thoughts. But what exactly does it mean and how does it work?


First of all, a short explanation about the opposite of mindfulness, namely mindlessness. You may recognize it: you are watching TV while eating and before you know it your plate is empty. You didn’t pay attention to your food and that’s why you didn’t really taste what your food tastes like. Your brain has also not received a signal that you are already full. Another example is mindlessly scrolling through social media. You are suddenly hours further, but what have you actually done?


In mindfulness we try to achieve the exact opposite. Mindfulness is a proven method to reduce stress, fatigue and insomnia. In addition, it can help with concentration problems and helps you to live more in the here and now. The idea of mindfulness is to learn to pay full attention to what is happening in the moment, without judging what you are doing or experiencing. Your mind will certainly wander once in a while, but that’s okay! Be kind to yourself and slowly bring your mind back to the moment.

Get started with mindfulness yourself

Do you want to get started with mindfulness right away? Then start with five minutes of mindfulness training. For example, go for a walk outside without distractions and determine your focus in advance: for example, focus on your breathing for five minutes, or on the way your feet touch the ground. Another option is five minutes of mindful eating. Eat calmly, without distraction and mindfully, and focus on the different flavors of your food. If negative or judgmental thoughts arise during these five minutes, you may accept them and let them go. Then return to your focus. 

Training mindfulness

Do you want to learn more about mindfulness and practice under supervision to experience more peace in your daily life? Then join the mindfulness training via Samen Sterk!

Sign up for the training

Experiences of  former participant Anneke Lucassen


How did you experience the mindfulness training?

“I experienced the training as very positive. We received a nice introduction to mindfulness from trainer Ninouk. She made everyone feel welcome, even when I came in a little late. I would give myself up again!”

What did you learn during the training?

“I have learned not to judge, to find peace and to be in the moment and to come. I also learned to become more aware of myself during certain moments. For example, when listening to music: ‘What does this do to me and why is that so?’.”

What surprised you during the training?

“That it brought me so much depth in a short time and that I managed to surrender myself to this during training. What also surprised me is how open we as Marel colleagues are. It was a nice group of which I already knew some, but also some not yet. There was room for your story and a listening ear. Everyone was so open! After the training I spoke to Ninouk and she was happy to answer any questions I had.”

What was your take-home message?

“That you need the lesser sides of life to enjoy life to the fullest. Patterns that you have taught yourself to experience ‘no pain’ can also limit you in enjoying yourself. If you are held back or blocked in emotion, this blockage can cause limitations in all areas.”

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