Make up the balance

In your work and private life you cannot avoid having to delve into financial matters. Think, for example, of the tax return that you have to file again before 1 May or your payslip of Marel that you receive every month. You may have seen company results, but what exactly do they mean? What is the difference between expenses and costs? And what is the relationship between a profit and loss statement (P&L) and a balance sheet?

During the Financials for Non-Financials training, our Director of Finance, Rob Rutjens, will go into detail about this. He will take you into the world of finance and will also have time during this session to answer your questions about this field. So, it is not only informative for you as a Marel employee, but also for yourself and your own accounting.

Location: online

Datum: The training on the 29th of April is full. Do you still have interest? Please sign up for the reserve list!

DI-hours: 2

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Make up the balance

How much insight do you actually have into your own income and expenses? How often do you draw up the balance? By creating an overview, you spend money more consciously and you know better where you can save. Very handy now that the world has become a bit more expensive and this will remain so for the time being. We are happy to share a number of tips for a better overview and to create a healthy financial situation for yourself.

  • Keep a cash book. Small daily expenses can add up to a large amount. A cash book gives you insight into how much you spend each month. There are many useful apps for this, such as the app ‘MijnGeldzaken Household Book’. You can of course also make an Excel overview or work in a notebook.
  • Then use the cash book to make a monthly and/or annual budget. A budget gives you a clear insight into your income and expenses. How? Nibud has a step-by-step plan for this. Click here for more information. Excel is a great tool for creating a budget and various templates can be found on the internet.
  • Make sure you count your savings as a fixed expense and transfer a fixed amount to your savings account every month. This is how you build up a buffer. With the budget you determine how high this amount is and you know what you have left over per month to spend on things such as clothing, eating out, etc.
  • Create two accounts: one for fixed costs and one for other costs. This way you can never spend too much money on other things.
  • Check whether you are eligible for allowances. You can do this

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