Financially sound, now and in the future

The highest inflation ever, increasing prices and the debts keep rising: that’s the situation at the moment. Not just in The Netherlands, but all around the world. And it doesn’t look like it’s calming down any time soon. So time to take action in your finances. Create an overview of your income and expenses, spend your money more consciously and see what you can save on. We don’t say this to scare you, but to create awareness that unfortunately this is the new reality. Prepare yourself for what is to come and save yourself the stress of financial problems. Prevention is always better than cure.


Getting started yourself

There are several ways to get started right away with creating an overview and being more money conscious. We would like to share some tips with you. Please note that some apps or websites are only available in Dutch.

How do you get an overview?

  • Keep a cash book. Small daily expenses can add up to a large sum. With a cashbook you get insight into how much you spend each month. There are many useful apps for this, such as ‘Grip’ from ABN Amro or the app ‘MijnGeldzaken Huishoudboekje’. Of course, you can also create an Excel sheet or work in a notebook.
  • Then use the cashbook to make a monthly and/or annual budget. A budget gives you clear insight into your income and expenses. Click here for more information. Excel is a fine tool for this and you can find several templates on the Internet.
  • Make sure you count savings as a fixed expense and transfer a fixed amount to your savings account every month. This way you build up a buffer. With the budget, determine how high this amount is and know what you have left over per month to spend on things like clothes, eating out, etc.
  • Create two accounts: one for fixed expenses and one for other expenses. This way you can never spend too much money on other things.
  • See if you qualify for allowances. You can do this at (Dutch).

Workshops, coaching and more

FNV Metalektro offers different kinds of e-learnings, workshops and coaching. For example, the workshop ‘Get more out of your salary’ or coaching ‘Check your financial fitness’. And the good news is, you can use your eight SE-hours for the offer of FNV.

Click here for more information

How can you save?

  • To save money it is useful to first make a savings plan. Nibud has a handy step-by-step plan, which increases the chance that you will achieve your savings goal. Click here for more information.
  • See if it is possible to make your house more sustainable, for example with solar panels, a heat pump, LED lighting or better insulation. The government has a number of subsidy schemes that you may be able to take advantage of. Click here for more information.
  • You can install a smart meter that you can control remotely. This way you have more control over when your heating is on or not, for example if you are away for a weekend.
  • Reduce your hot water consumption. For example, shower at the gym or set a timer for yourself to take shorter showers.

Financial problems: what now?


Have you lost track, don’t know what you can save on and are lying awake worrying about your finances? This can happen to anyone, especially in this day and age. Know that you are not the only one.

Does your financial situation cause you to experience feelings of stress more often, sleep poorly and perform less well? Ask for help! There are several options offered by your own municipality. For example, free budget coaching is often available.

In addition, Marel feels it is important to offer you a listening ear and to see together what is possible to support you. Schedule a meeting with your HR Business Partner. Together you will determine what your needs are in terms of budget coaching, financial advice, etc. We are happy to discuss this with you and please know that our door is always open.

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