Work mode off and relax mode on: how do your colleagues do this?

Switching off from work is incredibly important to truly enjoy your evening, weekend, or vacation. By taking a break from work, you can recharge and gain new energy. Going on vacation allows you to recover from possible work-related stress and may even lead to new insights. In short, there are many reasons why it is beneficial for you. We spoke to our colleagues Raimond Voermans, Pieter Klaas Hopma Zijlema, Willem de Lorijn, and Liliane de Nie about how they switch off from work and prepare for a vacation. Read on, and you might find some useful tips for yourself!

Raimond Voermans – Chief Information Officer

How do you switch off after a long workday?

I don’t always succeed, but I do have the intention to leave my work behind as soon as I get home. My wife keeps me on track and reminds me when I’ve been working too long. After a workday, I also often need social interactions unrelated to work and want to talk about other things. Additionally, I engage in intense sports like squash and kickboxing, which don’t leave me any mental space to think about anything else. This is true relaxation for me and prevents me from becoming tense, both physically and mentally. It’s important to give myself the opportunity to switch off and shift my thoughts. I can say that I’ll do it, but I need to practically organize myself to make it happen.


Why do you think it’s so important to switch off after a workday?

By switching off, you create mental space to continue the next day. If you keep working without taking breaks, you’ll feel less and less space for all your tasks, and you’ll only be busy extinguishing fires. You won’t have room to sit down calmly and reflect on things. This is a balance that slowly shifts and is a recipe for burnout, something I’ve seen in my surroundings before. It’s crucial to build in moments of reflection and relaxation throughout your day, whether it’s during the car ride home or a walk. Additionally, it’s important to accept that not everything will go well and that mistakes will be made. Dealing with this requires sufficient rest and mental space, which can only be achieved through regular switching off.


What do you do to go on vacation with a relaxed feeling?

My best tip is to go on vacation on a Wednesday. This way, on the Friday before, you can say, “I’m going on vacation next week,” and still have Monday and Tuesday to wrap up some things. This also works when you return because no one expects you back on a Wednesday. You’ll then have a few days to calmly catch up on emails and tasks, and by Monday, you’ll be fully up to date. Always make sure you have enough time to ease into things and not lose that wonderful vacation feeling right away.

Furthermore, it’s important to make clear agreements with colleagues regarding your availability during your vacation. For example, I’ve agreed with my family that I’ll spend an hour each day checking my emails. This way, I stay informed, and it gives me personal peace of mind. You should do what works for you, but ensure that you always communicate clearly with colleagues and clients about when you’ll be available and in which cases. My team politely mentions in emails when it’s just for my information and doesn’t require any action. Then I can comfortably relax in my beach chair.

Pieter Klaas Hopma Zijlema – Director Prepared Foods, RFS

How do you switch off after a long workday?

I have a few methods that I try to follow. I prefer to stay a bit longer at the office to finish my work rather than restarting my laptop at home. This doesn’t always work since I work with people in different time zones, but it helps me maintain a separation between work and personal life. Additionally, I have a half-hour drive home from the office, which allows me to switch off after my workday. Every evening, I take a short walk with my wife. We discuss the day and both have a chance to express our thoughts and switch off. The best environment for me to shift my thoughts is being outdoors. This can be any outdoor activity, such as sports, gardening, or DIY projects.


Why do you think it’s so important to switch off after a workday?

You need to relax to have energy for the next day. An overcrowded mind limits your creativity, and you won’t have the mental space to calmly think about things. In my role, it’s important to regularly step back and think about our current position and the next steps. When working with people in different time zones, you might be tempted to keep working continuously. However, you can always choose to turn off your phone. Define your own boundaries in this regard.

It’s also important to make time for things that are important to you. I used to schedule a block in my agenda every Wednesday at the end of the workday for a run, but in practice, something always came up. Now I block Wednesday mornings for running and only then go to the office. This solution works well for me.


What do you do to go on vacation with a relaxed feeling?

In the last few days before my vacation, I minimize the number of appointments. This gives me enough time to wrap up ongoing matters and distance myself from work. However, I’m not the best example of someone who completely disconnects from work during vacation. I still like to keep track of what’s happening, although I try to respond as little as possible. Staying informed brings me peace of mind, and I avoid starting with a backlog when I return. I’m not someone who completely shuts the door during vacation, but I make clear agreements with my team. It’s important to me that my work doesn’t disrupt my family’s vacation. I choose when to check my emails and answer phone calls. You always have the choice not to answer and call back later.

Willem de Lorijn – Regional Director, Service NER

How do you switch off after a long workday?

I have two young children at home, so it comes naturally for me to switch off after a workday. I try to leave Marel on time, so I have the early evening to spend with my family. Additionally, I enjoy making music, and it helps me switch off. For me, it works well to divide my day into blocks and focus on one task at a time. It sounds easier than it is, but this is my most important tip. You’ll never finish all your work, and not everything will be perfect. It brings you peace when you accept this and can complete a task before moving on to the next. Learn to be content with the fact that not everything will be perfect.


Why do you think it’s so important to switch off after a workday?

You need the right balance to maintain your energy level. I personally believe in Louis van Gaal’s “total person principle.” It means that if you’re doing well at home, you’ll also do well at work and vice versa. Your work and personal life are interconnected, and there needs to be a good balance. Regularly switching off is crucial for maintaining this balance.


What do you do to go on vacation with a relaxed feeling?

It all starts with planning ahead. For instance, I don’t start any major projects right before going on vacation, and I try to free up space in my agenda in the days leading up to it to finish tasks. Communicate clearly and in a timely manner with your colleagues about what they need to take over during your absence. They might start taking over tasks even before your vacation, which reduces the number of loose ends. Planning ahead and not leaving everything until the last moment is essential.

Setting up an out-of-office message is equally important. For example, if you indicate that you’ll occasionally check your email, you’re obligating yourself to keep up with everything. Communicate clearly and specify from which date someone can contact you again. Also, inform your colleagues that if something is important, they should contact you immediately after your vacation. If you have to go through a pile of emails first and only then realize that an urgent task is still pending or has already been completed, you’ll immediately fall behind. You really have to take good care of yourself. You’re coming back from a (hopefully) nice vacation, and you don’t want to start with a downer right away.

Liliane de Nie – Director Products, Poultry Innovation

How do you switch off after a long workday?

I always use the car ride home to switch off. Alternatively, I might call a trusted colleague to share my thoughts if something is bothering me. This helps me calm down and be ready for the next day. When I work from home, I need to take a short walk or have a quiet drink before picking up my daughter, for example. This helps me reflect and switch off. I also try to take short breaks between meetings so that I can process everything that has been said without it piling up until the end of the day. I don’t always succeed, but as colleagues, we can help each other seize these moments. Additionally, I do yoga once a week, and I enjoy being outdoors. Walking, cycling, boating – anything is good. Spending time with my daughter also transports me to a different world where my thoughts are no longer focused on work.

I’ve learned that I need to incorporate enough moments in my day to let my thoughts wander without anyone needing something from me. So, I try not to multitask. This way, things don’t pile up, and I can continue my day effectively. It also helps me to turn off push notifications on my phone and computer so that I’m not constantly distracted. If something is urgent, I don’t email; instead, I seek out the person or give them a call. We shouldn’t expect someone to be reading their email all day long.


Why do you think it’s so important to switch off after a workday?

Switching off after a workday ensures that you start the next day fresh, ready to take the next steps, maintain an overview, and tackle potential setbacks with energy. This not only helps yourself but also improves collaboration with colleagues. Additionally, as a person, you’re not just your work; you want to have time for your family and friends. This is only possible when you have peace of mind.


What do you do to go on vacation with a relaxed feeling?

In the past, I used to bring my backpack to the office in the morning and head straight to the airport. However, I’ve learned that I prefer to spend a few days at home before going on vacation. This allows me to prepare for the trip, avoid stress while packing, and even have a relaxed drink with friends. It enables me to gradually switch gears from a fast-paced mindset to a relaxed vacation mode.

Before starting my vacation, I determine which tasks I want to have completed and which responsibilities I need to hand over. This overview gives me peace of mind to let go of things. There may always be unexpected events that require my attention, but I don’t mind that. It’s often the pressure we put on ourselves that prevents us from going on vacation in a relaxed manner. Discuss expectations and what needs to be done during your absence with your managers and colleagues. You’ll find that things often turn out better than expected, and people will be willing to help you enjoy your well-deserved vacation.

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