Interview: talking to Erwin van de Pas

Just to introduce myself…

In each new edition of De Veer we would like to introduce one or two members of the program office. The program office is a group of colleagues who help give form to the new program aimed at long-term employability. Why exactly do they find long-term employability important and what drives them? In this edition we talk to Erwin van de Pas.

Erwin van de Pas
Functions(s): Director Manufacturing
Years in service: 3,5 years

What do you think of our development of the program Together Strong?
Really important! As Marel we have to distinguish ourselves. We are a fantastic company. We make really excellent systems and are global market leader. But you can only do this by deploying the right people. Firstly, you have to find them. This is getting ever more difficult. We have to compete with high tech industries in Eindhoven. The world is getting ever smaller. As a company you therefore have to do something special to attract good people. We even have people who come to us from Eindhoven. That’s nice and interesting. But secondly you have to see that you keep the right people. At Marel it’s about innovation, production and assembly. As we develop our own products and do not run a conveyor belt operation where every second counts, there is room at Marel to arrange things differently and to offer more responsibility and freedom. Looking after your people well is also part of it. Being a good employer is therefore important. That combined with ever more pressure which sometimes spills over into your private life means that the themes of Together strong are awfully important.

Why do you find Together Strong important for employees?
Employees, who feel comfortable in their skin, enjoy their work and can deliver. This is really good for employees. As an employer you of course also get a lot of pleasure from this, as such people produce the best results. In the past at one of my first employers I learned a very important lesson in life. A colleague of mine went to pieces, a solid guy. I really didn’t understand what was going on. How can a person get a burn-out? A wise colleague then said to me: “Every person has three legs; one leg is his situation at home, one his health and one his work situation. Is there something going on with one of the legs? If so, you can still stand. But if something happens to two of the three legs? Then everyone must fall over. It doesn’t matter how big or strong you are”. Afterwards, I would often check this when someone went to pieces and it really works. It is therefore enormously important both for the employee and for the employer that you are standing on all three legs. You can help one another with this. With the Together Strong program that is exactly what we are doing.

Do you think that we have been able to capture this in the four themes of Together Strong?
I think so! The artistry is now to let these themes come alive among and with our people. You have to do that together, particularly in times of bustle and pressure. Marel is growing and that means growing pains. Although having growing pains is better than having shrinking pains, these can also be negative. Being completely open to learn together is important; being attentive, able to listen, having understanding for one another and being able to communicate in the right way. Then you can be Together Strong. Everyone has his or her role and responsibilities in this. As an employer, you have to demonstrate that all employees are important. Then employees too can take up their role within Together Strong, since it is for all employees.

What themes do you see strongly on the factory floor? What is keeping you busy at this moment?
“People want to be able to take responsibility, show that they are experienced and good at their job. The skill of older employees is enormously valuable. We are also putting a lot of effort in growing people’s talents. We have to think carefully about what growth paths you offer them. Mobility for all target groups! We have no easy answer for this. We will, however, keep on looking for possibilities. For example, we are busy with a pilot scheme which involves cooperation between service and assembly. How can you help each other? At certain times service needs more capacity with which it can plan. In service there are several older employees who want to travel less. In assembly there is the need for more challenge. We have therefore started a small project to exchange employees between the two departments for 30% of their time. Employees in assembly who want a bigger challenge can spend 30% of their time on the road for service and service employees who want to travel less can help in assembly for 30% of their time. Hopefully, we can create a win-win situation by doing this. It is a trial and we have only just started with it. It is, however, a nice example of how you look together for solutions to make work better, more pleasant and more fitting for different target and age groups.

Which Together Healthy themes are keeping you personally busy?
For me personally health is important. I am getting older and will be 45 in November. I notice that it is ever more important to do more exercise and I am learning every day. I also have the feeling that I am well in balance. It helps that my travel time to work is quite short. I live in Venray with my wife and two children. Recently my son of 16 was running at an event and I managed to go and watch him. This is very important to me! I therefore have a lot of understanding for people who have a long journey to work. This makes life more difficult. You create physical and social safety together. For me having an open culture and the trust to communicate so that people can say what they think is valuable. Humour and keeping things in perspective are also important for people. I, for example, really enjoy our family day, where you have to be able to be yourself, take part, dance and be able to have a drink together. That makes us strong together!”

Do you want to give our employees a message?
Make use of the possibilities of Together Healthy. I really would like to promote this as you won’t find such facilities everywhere. Take part and let your ideas be heard! We work together to have good work together.

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