News: welcome back to Marel

Over the past year, many of us have had a modified work schedule. For example, we were not allowed to go to the office, we worked from home or we worked in shifts in the factory. The world is gradually opening up more and we can partly pick up our old work rhythm again, but in an adapted form. To keep working safely together, we ask you to take the guidelines of the RIVM seriously. Therefore, adhere to the following rules:

  • Keep 1,5 meters away
  • Disinfect your hands regularly
  • Stay home with complaints and get tested immediately
  • Wear a mouth cap if you are within 1,5 meters of your colleague

Download this presentation for more information.



Walking routes

We have walking routes within Marel, so that we can take each other into account as much as possible in the corridors. Download the routes below.

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